Stop the game because of racist chants against Boateng 03-01-2013

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Pro Patria vs AC Milan
Friendly Match 03-01-2013


AntidotoVil says:


Rasta Man says:

Boateng hatte endlich ein Zeichen gegen Rassismus in den italienischen Stadien gesetzt, schade, dass aber die Maßnahmen gegen solche Fans immer nur gering ausfallen… Danke trotzdem, Kevin-Prince Boateng!

newyt stinks says:

CHAPEAU. RESPECT. Why say any more.

JKeller xP says:

yo soy de color y orgulloso estoy juego al futbol y amo este deporte No al RACISMO

albokk1 says:

i am from eastern europe….. what minorities??? LOL "but they aren't blacks because they aren't accepted over there." that is because eastern europe is poor hence why alot of eastern european leave for western europe themselves

ultimo aeav says:

fuck those motherfuckers…theyr jelous bc poverty suck..not like boateng….

Sergo Dailli says:


Dj MOOVE says:

Ma se a me mi gridano figlio di puttana come bianco non dovrei uscire dal campo??? Dai il razzismo ce ma i piu scuri di pelle se la prendono troppo sull colore della pelle…..

JoeLouisHall says:

Are you simple? Just because there are fewer minorities it doesn't mean the people can't be racist. You seriously think that if there were no black people in an area populated by Nazis the Nazis would suddenly stop despising black people? And that's just an analogy, I'm not for one second calling anyone a Nazi. I know racism occurs everywhere, I don't live under a fucking rock. Read my comment, I was stating that racism is more frequent in certain areas, one of them being Eastern Europe.

albokk1 says:

"I said racism is more frequent in some areas in the world such as in Eastern Europe, which is true." Is that a joke eastern europe is 99.99% WHITE? So how the fuck can they be racist when there are no minorities. Get real you have racism everywhere in south africa against white and in usa whites vs black , black vs white etc

mcnyte7 says:

Because you are mozarella and bacalà eaters. Neither Cavani wants to stay with you anymore.

Marco Cavasin says:

and with this comment you're racist too !!! genius !

cristianxxx76 cristian says:

ah ah ah…..monkey!!!

Najmo Aden says:

So you are saying calling black person an ape is the "uncomfortable truth"?

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