AC Milan v Ajax Champions League 1994/95

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MiscellTube says:

2018 anyone?

Calcio Italiano Iscrivetevi says:

ahahah 0-2 ????????????


vitor sena says:

época que o ajax era temido

Игорь Пашкевич says:

АЯКС тогда был СУПЕР

DoughtyJ says:

Fantastic team Ajax had back then.

russell murray says:

It's probably the most impressive of all Champions League wins, simply because of the lack of money van Gaal had to build a side compared with today. What Louis did was effectively utilize the same AC Milan tactical formation which undone Ajax in the 1969 European Cup FInal. It worked in the actual final as well this year.

Andrea Cat says:

3 stranieri al massimo ma di altissima qualità, altro che oggi…

Ade Abasanji says:

Epic game. Ajax nothing like this today. It's a shame ?

llssneN says:

Great upload!

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