AC Milan vs. Real Madrid, highlights, Champions Cup 1989

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td td says:


jonomono2 says:

football was so much more hard core back the day.

Depressed Gamer says:

Ac Mlian has become shit now they even lost Against Tottenham!

VeneRican1 says:

what the hell? did they switch jerseys?

Dice Wise says:

Forza Milan!

rufo3 says:

Nope. Real Madrid elimnatesd Milan 4 times, Milan eliminated REal 2 times

Fawaz Alsharif says:

madrid is shit against milan
forzzzzzzzzzzza milan

drakflame22 says:

Puta milan. Milan are a bunch of italian shits who have to foul and get away.

Sergio Kaukajarvi says:

tu puta estampa perucho

djomarino says:


jurdan50 says:

Forzzzzzzza AC Milan:)))

freestyle says:

Years of Matusalen!! welcome to present day milan of Ronaldinho

David Davidsson says:


DjMaRiiO2007 says:

Real Madrid best Club of S.XX

Rossoneri swe says:

Milan vs Real the history show us that Milan crushed real all the time they meets. no dubat Milan is the team of all time in planet.

Zebensui Gonzalez says:

your own words say you are. You hate to Real Madrid? That micron life, I pity you, because at least every two years earning a degree, so it touches you mourn

PhilipHuertas says:

real madrid the best team in the world forever and for allways. Halá Madrid!

Constantine Mosidze says:

real madrid is shit club. ac Milan always fucked that spanish clubs real and Barca :))

mark pe says:

Real Madrid is the most piece of shit team in the world,look at their coaching staff last few years they have changed like the woman her close.I hate them for that they are such low life people.They have no respect whatsoever for the players they have now. Look how they treat them since Kaka and Ronaldo have arriaved .


i doubt that… real madrid is about to become your papi chulo jajaja… bow downnn… on and p.s.- we just took aka from you… no chance anymore guys… hala madrid!

Blackwilderness says:

Te very very very best team of all times.

Milan always over spanish overrated teams.

AC Milan is the father of Madrid and Barcelona jajaja

vainahi says:

ac milan is de beste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Antares says:

Grande Carlo!

ForzaAquila says:

there's also the international club title –> not only european. But then again i said total, i didn't say total of only CL and UEFA titles.

ForzaAquila says:

oh no buddy i think it's you who should think again since i've played football since you weren't even born.

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