FIFA 11 for PC: AC Milan vs Manchester United – Legendary 17 Minutes (HD 720p)

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Name: FIFA 11
Release Date: 28 September 2010
Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts


Ian Lourenço says:

Olha o que aparece na minha time hahaha

Евгений Журавлёв says:

it's not PC. This ps3.

dabnd eldkg says:

hear ami haci not exit the game I get I get barelona those teams, juventus, realmadrid, no more hope chelsa your respueta

krisjanis Barons says:

shut up russian bitch

Rishav Singh says:

Is FRAPS available for free….i need it…please help….!!!!


very good…

Shade says:

I hate when people upload CPU vs CPU videos
too lazy to play?

VE3TRO says:

It's made like that.

Ronit Bhatia says:

how did you run fifa 11 on fifa 10 game engine?!

junior stixx says:

i don't think is fifa 2011 it's fifa 2012

Hideki K. says:

Vídeo de game
Fala serio

Vicky Giri says:

Its Legandary 17min & 48sec

VE3TRO says:

@MasterJoluProject FRAPS, google it and you shall find. 🙂

MasterJoluProject says:

How do tou record in HD on the PC? I've searched a lot but I can't find a good program for HD recording… Any tips?

Louw Post says:

@vRookie0 Can be bad though, I don't know if you tried the demo, but they are likely to force controllers on pc.

Jay Cruz says:

@xradialz thnx

Jay Cruz says:

@xradialz oh thnx, ive had my xbox 4 like a year now and ive never had a hdmi but do u know if you have to have a hd tv or anything else

Jay Cruz says:

does any1 know y my fifa 11 is not hd, i have an xbox so it should be but its not

harnick21 says:

yo fifa 11 PC gamers, add me by the name JattShera!

Jack Carden says:

it uses the engine of fifa 10, and the kits? so….its fifa 10!!!!!

weLeb14 says:

@satsuyukie121 so why is the penalty the same as fifa 10?

Blaze Kamikaze says:

@weLeb14 this is FIFA11…FIFA10 doesnt have Martin Tyler…only Clide n Andy

weLeb14 says:

isnt this fifa 10 because of the penalty shot?

andi king says:

can we be a goalkeeper in fifa 11 pc pls reply me fast pls

Wilson says:

@jaskirat77 hey fucktard thats how fifa 11 on pc looks like

retstickan1234 says:

what about zlatan??

MrFingerboarder10000 says:

ich habs für ps2 -.- da kann man das mit fifa 06 vergleichen x(

JawzPause says:

@Yangus32 Yes, if you use the right driver. I use Game Companion.

C Chris says:

can this game be played with a ps3 controller?

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