The Rise Of AC Milan 2007

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A Brilliant Compilation On AC Milan’s 2006/07 Season, Enjoy!


Dr.Necro says:

Makes me cry every time I watch this video
Proud to be a Milan fan
Forza Milan

Ald Cv says:

Hay una conspiración contra el Milán la uefa no quiere que gane más champions la uefa esta de lado de los cuales españoles

mohammad milan says:

Forza milan ❤

marioscire1982 says:

The video is great but the season was 2006/2007 not 2007/2008

Mohammed Shihab says:

why you don't upload new version with HD

George Fulariani says:

00:0000:30 Prison Break song… :)))

abdullah saleh says:

10 years for this video…. it was a great time for the biggest team in all decades

Ald Cv says:

Extraño a ese Milan todos les tenían espero regrese el otro año a champions

Lasse Schancke says:

i return to this video several years later
it is just as good as i remember it

maybe even better

Ald Cv says:

Forza Milan is year escudetto next year champions

Renaldy Widanto says:

I cry everytime when i watch this. This video will be my fav video of all time. Thanks.

Ald Cv says:

back to Milán

44 kigeek says:

Ca c'etait le vrai milan le vrai temps du foot le bon vieux temps

Deady_birdy says:

Ac milan team rating then: 99 GODS

Now: they play like they have 3 shot

Деница Иванова says:

What is the song at 8:45 till end? Forever Forza AC Milan

Mr. Prime Minister says:


Christopher Oliveira says:

Ultimate music?

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