AC Milan 2016-17 Winter Squad Prediction With Some Players Highlight

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gianni sampo says:

chelsea wanted to buy romagnoli for 30million, but he said he wanted to stay at ac milan. well tahts some true love right there

RDJF says:

I wish Kovacic came to milan

Dwayne k27ism says:

Gustavo Gomez, Milan Badelj and Rodrigo Bentancur

Zulfiqar Rahadian Tamin says:

how about isco?

AC Milan Highlights GeV Production says:

Some Update: Kovacic >< Sosa Lapadula (2-nd Choice) >< Bacca
Zielinski >< Montolivo Cuadrado >< Suso
Musacchio >< Gustavo Gomez

Muhadar Engineering says:

maybe imposible

Manal Najjar says:

good squad but kovacic dm?just no…..

ramyar mentk says:

We Wont get Guardado i think rw is going to be suso

Chi Ming says:

kovacic is impossible..

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