Ronaldo A.C Milan 2007/2008

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Ronaldo Fenomeno in 20 partite con il A.C Milan ha segnato 9 gol


karacaovalı körpehlivan says:

The year was 2019 and there is still no footballer to replace

Ryszard Kiliński says:

Contrary to what people said, his overweight wasn't due to his eating habits, but to an illness; something with thyroid and metabolism. Idiots said he was lazy and uninterested. The man had 4 (!) career-ending injuries ('98,'99,'2006,'2008) and worked his way back to playing professional football. Can't stress this enough. He's the greatest warrior this game has ever seen!

Souvik Guha says:

And they call CR7 the tapin expert. Fat Ronaldo is a tapin god

zxs g f n hhgng cg g fkt tu bb f gntil j says:

Rene rene ronaldo

Piero Costanzo says:

Al minuto 1:57 Ronaldo segna de panza…incredibile ma vero…

Sumer Rana says:

Someone called him overweight ditching him out of Madrid

AK47Stalin says:

The secret to Ronaldo's slimness was his baldness.
And even chunky, he was still good enough to play at the highest level

Spooky Frank says:

Ronaldo with hair is Hobonaldo

Martial-Art Critic says:

Kaka is unbelievable healthy because he can leverage this fat man

Burhan Altıntop says:

Senior Ronaldo. 🙂 He scored with his tits. 01:53)

Levi Castro says:

se não tivesse contundido tantas vezes teria mais bolas de ouro do q messi e cr7.

SonyCamry says:

original commentary and good quality video

David Beckham says:

Belly to the goal.. fat

jow Alves says:

Ele poderia ter dado certo se não fosse a lesão do joelho?????

hakan yilmaz VLOG says:

İ really miss his football ?

Jhonathans Santana says:

O melhor atacante de todos os tempos que vi jogar deis de 98 vi seu futebol até vc encerrar no timão em 2010 sinistro r9

roberto pievo says:

gol di Ronaldo contro il milan

War Nop says:

unlucky he become fat.. but he alwys the beast of the best

ADEX says:

Figlio di troia, traditore


Roberto dinamite foi muito melhor.

pongolein says:

da milanista ma soprattutto da amante del calcio, posso dire che è stato un onore vedere il fenomeno (quello vero) con i colori che amo addosso. Colori che ha onorato da grande professionista regalandoci un grandissimo finale di stagione 2006/07. Peccato per l'infortunio grave che pose fine anzitempo alla sua breve esperienza rossonera.
Che dire del fenomeno, un predestinato, clamorosamente forte e completo, al barça come in nerazzurro, al real così come in verdeoro. Una sciagura gli infortuni che ne hanno pregiudicato la longevità della carriera, e anzi, che ce l'hanno sottratto probabilmente nei suoi anni migliori, a cavallo fra i due mondiali 98-2002(vissuti da assoluto protagonista).

oiurehj says:

We had Ronaldo and Ronaldinho…two of the greatest players of all time (of course not in their primes but still).

Diogo Zanata says:

Foi o melhor atacante, depois de Romário e Pelé.

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