Heineken Italy Activation Milan AC / Real Madrid

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Une excellente OP pour la marque Heineken qui a réunit plusieurs fans de foot dans un opéra le soir de Milan AC Réal Madrid en League des Champions. Soucieux de faire plaisir à leurs petites amies ou patrons, ces fans de foot ont accepté de se priver de la diffusion de ce match.
Quelle ne fut pas leur surprise lorsqu’ils réalisèrent qu’en réalité, ils allaient pouvoir regarder le match en direct de l’Opéra.

Follow me on Twitter: @anotherbibuzz


zwekitj says:

Huge respect from AC Milan fans in Serbia to Heineken for making such a great marketing move!!!

Aleks Q says:

lolololo cheers heineken!!! strait A+ for this 🙂

Maxime Ménard says:

Guy on the right @3.46 actually went for the concert

Kubilay Oz says:

really really awesome

Carl Johnson says:

Everytime the champions league theme song stars i cry

Роман Малыгин says:


BAD1TV says:


99doni says:


Dan Matthews says:

You can call it soccer too. Short for association Football. And I'm English…

Shinpei Ueda says:

Perfect! 2010 best!!

Shinpei Ueda says:

Perfect ! 2010 BEST AD !!!!!

A MC says:

Football… divine treasure.

I thought they shouldn't have seen that match… AC Milan defeated vs Real Madrid.

Joao Duarte says:

whats the name of the last song?? when the results come in??

hans lodders says:


Slow Dating says:

great stuff – football truly is the world game

OrangeJews1138 says:

Just 2 more watchers and it would be every fanboy's favourite number!

Жанна Зайкина says:

No I'm just a woman))))

godmod2k5 says:

The guy that came up with the idea is a genius!!
Marketing jackpot!

Michał Kubik says:

Bardzo fajne!

Жанна Зайкина says:

Thanks Alexander, but I do not like football and beer))))

booshblue72 says:

Yes, you are rather.

alskayo says:

Best marketing ever !

alskayo says:

Best marketing ever !

garshigskvass says:

ahh this is so great 😀
long live the kings-beer and football 😀

Olaf Molenveld says:

Boring long boring long boring boring BOOOOOORING! I will never drink heineken again, nor watch soccer….boring

melig1991 says:

Chelsea Dagger – The Fratellis

djmcStanford says:

Now that's marketing!

ClassiX says:

so damn great ! 😀

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