IZ Landed ? #IZBACK

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Zlatan Ibrahimović has set foot on Italian soil.

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M Ahsan Javaid says:

Forza Milan from Pakistan ?? ❤️

TP Gaming channel says:

Maa chuda Milan

Leonardo Khalifa says:

Dale ibra saca el milán de esa crisis devuelve lo a la gloria



M. G. T says:

Champion! If former Yugoslavia hadn't of broken up him, Boban, Modric & co. would have probably won a World Cup.

Hendi Hermawan says:

Help milan #king zlatan

Савили Нур says:

Красава 2020

TV Lokal says:

Old man.. what u can do? Just joke

George Karountzos says:

Επόμενη μεταγραφή ο Ronaldinio.Με τέτοιες μεταγραφές δεν πάει πουθενά η Μιλαν

Hammad Ahmed says:

I'm very happy that IBRAHIMOVIĆ is return.
He's my favourite footballer.

Milli Billi says:

Zlatan: Zlatan is not back to ACmilam ACmilan is back to zlatan

Raul Jimenez says:

He got murdered by Carlos vela that’s why he left

Carlos William Moncayo jacome says:

Vamos Milán hacer grande como toda tu historia

Tatang Suryana says:

Milan rindu pemain bintang

Giggi latrottola says:

Andrete in b lo stesso

warganet budiman says:

Lord ia back. Welcome home lord

Karolly Tamasela says:

ahahah zlatan back,serie a should be more epic..

CR7 HD-Wild says:

That cantics of Ibrahimovic sounds really nice!

Daud Jr says:

lion is back

Samuele D'Elia says:

Zlatan come sinisa e Nadia toffa

Samuele D'Elia says:

Zlatan zingaro

Exkere bro says:

Leyend Izback

Guilherme Rafael says:

Conheço a historia de uma lenda que daria um filme. Essa lenda se chama zlatan ibrahimovic!

Giovanni Verrengia says:

Io ci credo poco alla minestra riscaldata ! Non sto qua elencare ma sapete tutti come è già successo con altri .Con tutto rispetto ibra e nei 10 più forti nei ultimi 10 anni ma il milan è messo male non si può soffermare a questo colpo che ha una durata massimo 2 anni ! Voglio ritornare a fare abbonamento a San siro e divertirmi !

Lucas Henrique says:

Com uma perna só joga mais que
Qualquer atacante do futebol mundial . Ibra mito

Luigi Greco says:

Siamo alla frutta se ci affidiamo ad un quasi 40enne

blazej409 says:

Welcome debil

Balla Boy says:

Lions don't compare themselves with humans

gabriele says:

Cantate cantate tanto l'obbiettivo Sará quello di salvarvi
Nerazzurro a vita
Skriniar e de vrij nn lo faranno mai passare ad ibra

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